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The quality of the contractor on this contract is excellent. Always striving to do better and ensure the quality of work is matching or exceeding that of the contract. Quality Control and striving to ensure that the customer (students) receive the correct issue. During the recent Training Centers evacuation, the steadfastness of this contractor and the professionalism showed during the entire student population having to turn in and reissued again after the event. Long hours and attention to detail are hallmark from this contractor.

Schedules are very important to this contractor. Always operating on a tight schedule due to the ever-changing mission of the Training Centers, this contractor excels.

This contractor operates on a strict cost control coordinating with the COR and the CO and are well within the confines of the contract. The contractor monitors their budget and operates within the scope of it.

The management of this contractor on site is seconded to none. Always striving to pursue the best and solid way to support the Training Center as well
as provide notch service to the customer. Always communicating with the COR and the CO on any matters that comes up. The Project Manager and the team are prime examples of the coordination between the contractor and the government.

A solid company with a solid work ethic. Given what I know today about the contractor’s ability to perform in accordance with this contract I would recommend them for similar requirements in the future.

– J.R., Production Supervisor

United States Department of Homeland Security
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