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Fiscal Year 2020 Small Business Award, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC)

T47 International, Inc. (T47) provided excellent support services to include processing uniform orders, providing laundry services, and issuing equipment at the FLETC Glynco Training Delivery Point (TDP). When training at the Glynco campus paused temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, T47 showed resilience during challenging times. The pandemic necessitated new ways of accomplishing the mission safely, and T47 quickly adapted by hiring additional staff to accommodate COVID-19 sanitization and social distancing requirements.

In March 2020, in-person training was paused. Approximately 1,700 students were required to leave issued uniforms and equipment in the dormitories. To ensure the safety of all personnel and customers, T47 retrieved those items, provided laundering and cleaning services, and restocked 47,500 items. Continuing to maintain performance, a massive uniform inventory valued at $6.6 million was conducted at the Glynco TDP.

T47 also maintained the uniform warehouse by preparing orders and receiving both uniform and equipment deliveries. In total, 18,286 new uniform orders, replacement uniform orders, and equipment items were received and inventoried by T47. When the Glynco TDP reopened, T47 prepared and issued 178,306 uniform and equipment orders. T47’s efforts also included cleaning and sanitizing 8,842 CPR mannequins and processing 209,849 pounds of uniform laundry.

T47 employees did a phenomenal job handling inventory that constantly changed. T47’s attention to detail, hard work, and dedication earned the entire team praise from the FLETC training community and over 93 partnering organizations.

United States Department of Homeland Security
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